Tuesday 1 January 2013

Challenges Face To Find Potential Company For UBS – MSU CSR – Project – A True Story

As mention by Sir Affendy, our UBS lecturer, the next task for student is to find a potencial company which currently using manual system for their company accounts and convert it into a computerized accounting system (UBS) .Manual accounting and bookkeeping systems are the traditional form of maintaining a businesses accounts and records. They involve keeping various ledgers and files which typically include a cash book, sales and purchase day books and petty cash sheets.This task is considered as a project of DAC 2183 Accounting Information System with the portion of 15% marks will be carried as project assessment

Challenges that we face to find a company for this project was very complicated and challenging. The first company that I and my friend went was to a Stationary Shop. After explaining our project, the owner refuse to co-operate with us although we shown him official letter from MSU to conduct the project . He refuse us because he said the document is confidential. The second company we went is a Grocery Shop. The owner inform us that he will reply whether his answer, but he never turn around back and answer our call. The third company is a Computer Cafe. The owner told us that he don't have a proper record of their company transaction. 

I and my friend never give up and continue to find company for this project. Finally, we succeed to find a Transport Service Company in Petaling Jaya. He owner agreed to co-operate which us and willing to disclose all his transaction, documents and bank statement. 


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